Monthly Archives: November 2005

CB7 Meeting Wed, Nov. 16

CB7 will hear recommendation from Land Use Commitee to deny ULURP for 22 Caton Place. Wed, Nov. 16th at 6:30 PM – 4201 4th Avenue, Brooklyn, corner of 43rd Street

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CB7 Resolution Regarding 22 Caton Place

ImageFollowing is the full text of the CB7 Resolution passed as a result
of the public hearing for the ULURP application on Nov. 10, 2005. We
had a strong show of support from the community as residents and others
spoke on everything from density concerns, to parking, to solid and
hazardous waste concerns, to safety for horses and pedestrians and
more. Our concerns were heard and CB7 passed a resolution calling for a
denial of the application for upzoning and a rezoning study of the

Thanks to everyone who came out to testify and
thanks to CB7, especially Randy Peers and the members of the Land Use
Committee, for their support of our efforts to encourage sensible
neighborhood development.

Community Board 7 Land Use Committee Resolution Regarding 22 Caton Place
With respect to ULURP application # C050203 ZMK, concerning 22 Caton
Place, the committee recommends the Board reject the application for
the following reasons:

1. No guarantee that the applicant/developer
will in fact build the stated development project at the site and could
in fact sell the property under the new zoning.

2. That the
EIS does not accurately reflect conditions in the area because it does
not take into account two other major projects under development in the
near vicinity. When examined in aggregate, the three projects total a
45% increase in the number of dwelling units in a 7-block area.

3. If the proposed development does proceed, there is no guarantee that the units will be rentals or be affordable.

4. That the area is already overburdened by a lack of parking, and any
proposed development under the new zoning would not require 100%

5. That the proposed development out of character with
community, in particular, the surrounding blocks which include many
small one and two family homes and the horse stables.

6. The majority of residents oppose the change as was clearly stated at the public hearing held on November 8th, 2005.

further request that City Planning undertake a study of rezoning the
surrounding community to comply with the original intent of the Special
Ocean Parkway District, to protect the interior blocks. The Special
Ocean Parkway District Re Zoning originally passed by the Borough Board
on April 20, 1993 and specifically called for the down zoning of this
area if the proposed nursing home (at 711 Caton Avenue) was not
approved. As almost 14 years have passed and no nursing home has been
built or approved for this site, it is essential that this small
section of our community commonly known as East Windsor Terrace be
afforded the protection denied to it when the Special Ocean Parkway
District was approved.

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Overdevelopment: Planning, Not Rezoning, Is The Answer

Follow this link to a thoughful article on the need for urban planning in the midst of all this development: Full text of article reprinted here: Overdevelopment: Planning, Not Rezoning, Is The Answer by Tom AngottiOctober, 2005 In New … Continue reading

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