Monthly Archives: January 2006

Caton Place Neighbors Jeer 8-Story Building

Coverage of the City Planning Hearing: from the Park Slope Courier: (note, the photo shows the wrong lot—it shows 23 Caton Place, where the 107 unit building is to be built)  Caton Place Neighbors Jeer 8-Story Building By Charles Hack … Continue reading

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Support StableBrooklyn

GIVE! We need to raise funds so we can engage in community planning workshops. The entire community is invited to participate. (We do NOT have non-profit status). Give something anyway. 

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NY1: Kensington Residents Want City To Put A Stop To Overdevelopment

Click HERE to see the televised segment from NY1. Originally published on the NY1 Website:: Kensington Residents Want City To Put A Stop To Overdevelopment How much is too much when it comes to developing the city? That depends on … Continue reading

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Many Down On Caton Place ‘Upzoning’

Originally Published in the Park Slope Courier By Charles Hack 12/09/2005 Developer’s attorney, Marvin Mitzner of Cozen O’Connor, explains why he wants to upzone the area. A developer who has applied to City Planning to upzone a Caton Place property … Continue reading

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Borough President’s Hearing

The neighborhood came out in force yet again to testify at the Borough President’s Public Hearing for the upzoning application of 22 Caton Place. Community members spoke out against the leaseholder’s bid for increased density. NY1 was there and issued … Continue reading

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